Monday, March 10, 2008

The Worrier Queen Bee

Here comes the worrying, overanalyzing, and oh did I say worrying?

Well we started aquatic therapy last week with Mrs. Jenny and Sean LOVED it. He wasn't bothered as much with her making him use his right hand. He was smiling, laughing and most of all NO CRYING:) We are going to be going every Tuesday night now. I took pictures but I don't think Mrs. Jenny would want them posted hear:)

We also went and got Sean's 2 year old pictures taken this weekend. It was quite a day we took some and then had to stop and go play at the Rainforest Café and see all of the fish and go to the Disney store. But we eventually made it back down to the studio and got one of the cutest pictures ever. They are all cute but here are my two favorites.

We are meeting with the pedi on St. Pattys day to talk about all of the different blood tests that Sean is going to get done and I am going to talk to him about my concerns and that I want to be referred to a pedi. Neuro. to get there opinion on everything that is going on with Sean and all of the big WORDS the radiologist wrote. I just want to know the possible long term and short term least I hope they can explain all of them to me…..

I am big worrier so the more info I know is better than the unknown. Currently Sean is trying to work on jumping and of course building his muscle tone. We are also going to work on his sensory issues and try to not let him or have him freak out when there is stuff on his hands. He gets very upset when there is finger paint, frosting, syrup, icecream, chocolate, bubbles etc… on his hands or him. He also gets upset when some one bumps into him or if a ball bounces into him but laughs when he doesn't to someone else.

Currently I am reading up on this to see what I can do to help. I think he might need to get massages every night. This is probably enough for now I will update more when I know more next week. I am worried that seizures may start at anytime so I am constantly starring at him just because something may or may not happen. Are all seizures noticeable?

The Worrier Queen Bee

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